Private Lessons
We teach all levels, from beginner to championship in both International & American Styles.

What’s Your Dance Style?
We offer private lessons in both International and American styles of dance. You choose which dance style you’d like to learn based on what’s most appealing to you and your individual dance goals. For example, individuals interested in high-energy lessons for improved physical health would likely choose a different style than couples looking for an elegant First Dance for their wedding.
To learn more about the different types of dances and view a demonstration video, click on the links below:
Meet Our Instructors
With private dance lessons, you’ll benefit from undivided attention because you’ll be working one-on-one with the instructor of your choice on the dance of your choice.
Private lessons are customized to your pace and learning style, thereby allowing you to progress faster. Your instructor will offer helpful feedback and specific techniques to help you gain skill and confidence.
Start Dancing
Many people start their dancing in a group setting and lose interest because they ether can’t keep up or it wasn’t challenging. Most successful dancers start with Private Lessons. Private Lessons allow the student(s) to learn exactly what they wish with undivided attention.
*Introductory Private Lesson. Scheduled with the instructor of your choice, the cost is $30 (individual or couple) for two 1/2 hour lessons.
*Individual Lesson. An individual private lesson with the instructor of your choice, the cost is $117 (individual, couple, or groups of 5 people or less) for one 50-minute lesson.
Attend one free class per week with the purchase of a private lesson.